If your debt arises from manufacturing or distribution activities, there may be specialized legal remedies to help collect your money. Our distribution and manufacturing debt collection attorneys examine your Terms and Conditions, your credit application, your personal guarantees, your electronic and written purchase orders, confirmations and emails to identify your opportunities to recover quickly. Our law firm has years of experience in manufacturing and distribution payment remedies.
At Greenbaum Law Group, we understand that each industry comes with its unique opportunities and complexities, especially when it comes to debt collection. Our approach is tailored to the specific needs of your sector, be it manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and more.
Most cases involving the sale of goods or services have some form of written documentation. This can include email, contracts, invoices, billings, credit applications, personal guarantees, text messages, electronic login data, shipping documents, delivery documents and/ or admissions of the debt. These are the documents that we examine and analyze. We select the strongest documents as evidence if the case needs to be presented in court. We use all the legal remedies the law allows to collect your money.
We get calls from clients whose debts are a few days old to those that are aged out over time. The fresher the debt, the more likely you are to be able to collect. Bad debt isn’t like wine or liquor. It doesn’t get better with age. In general, if your customer is over 120 days behind on payments, it’s time to talk to a collection lawyer. Don’t spend more time on phone calls and letters. Take legal action. Sue now. Don’t hire a collection agency that spends months on more letters and calls. Collection Attorneys sue.
We offer our services on a contingency fee basis. We recover more money, more often than other attorneys or collectors. If you are a contingent fee client and we don’t recover, there is no fee for our services. The out-of-pocket filing fees for the court enforcement documents, motions, hearings, and liens and the fee for the process servers are generally small.
If you are owed over $15,000 for a commercial debt, note, sale of goods or services, loan or because you gave someone credit.
If you loaned money or sold goods or services on credit and didn’t get paid, you have a good case for recovery
If you sold your time or products and didn’t get paid, we will pursue rapid collection for you.
If your debt is related to a construction project, other remedies, liens and security can often be pursued.
Do you already have a California Judgment you haven’t collected? We are specialists in judgment enforcement techniques such as
If you have a Court Judgment or Order from a State other than California, it can be enforced against a California Debtor or property
Judgments issued in Foreign Countries against California Debtors or those with property in California can be collected by
If you have an award from an Arbitration that isn’t being paid, we can convert it to a judgment and pursue collection